Stack Pro Control Battery Voltage Gauge

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Pro Control Volt Gauge Instructions
£ 202.82
Stack Pro Control Battery Voltage gauge. A new development from Stack, the Pro Control range of gauges brings total control and driver awareness of critical engine functions with unique alarm system. Each Stack Pro Control gauge features peak 'Tell Tale' memory showing maximum temperatures, minimum pressures and Volts. User configurable output for activating accessories such as fans, pumps, lamps and alarms.

Each gauge has a choice of 7 colours which can be set by the user for maximum visibility.One of the best features of the Stack Pro Control Stepper Motor gauges is the user configurable minimum and maximum alarms. These properties can be set with one of seven different colours assigned to each. As soon as the alarm level is exceeded the full dial face changes colour. If the level exceeds the alarm by more than 10%, the dial face flashes rapidly to further alert the driver.Each Stack Pro-Control gauge is supplied with wiring and solid-state sensor offering unrivalled accuracy (with the exception of Fuel Level and Volts).